Sunday, October 19, 2008

A Perfect Day

You know those days that come around once in a while? The kind that leave you extremely thankful for the life you get to live? I call them perfect days. They often aren't days with elaborate events or monumental milestones; just a day when you take a small step back and truly take in all that is happening around you and realize that in that very moment, everything is exactly as it should be and you're so content with life, your soul fills up with all the good kind of stuff that takes your breath away.

I had that today. In a pumpkin patch.

My kids, all rosy cheeked and sticky from carmel apples, disolved into fits of giggles as their dad heaved himself atop a giant haystack and hoisted each of them into their air. They sought the perfect pumpkin in a field laden with all shapes and sizes of Jack-o-laterns in waiting. They weaved themselves through a giant corn maze, looking back to make sure that Mom and Dad were close behind. Ava befriended caterpillars, Gracie's hair flew as wild as a scarecrow's and Jake grinned his toothless grin at the brilliant sun every chance he could.

We snacked on hotdogs and popcorn, sailed into the sky on tire swings, careened down to earth on homemade slides, fed goats & baby chicks, posed for silly pictures and enjoyed doing what every family should do - just being together.

It began as a small Sunday drive to a local pumpkin farm and it ended up being one of the best days of my life. No elaborate events, no monumental milestones...just a simple, yet perfect day that reminded me of how very blessed I am to have this life and to love the people in it.

My soul runneth over.

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