Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Blog Virgin

Ok, so this is my first foray into the blogging world. I've always been tempted to create my home little slice of home for the words and whimsy that surely nobody but me is interested in, but my limited technical experience and knowledge made me gunshy. "But I have so much to tell the world", I thought. I have no idea if the world cares, but what a shame to withhold even a mere iota of wisdom should someone, far away, in a small village, who faced with the dilemma of buying Hostess Twinkies versus Dolly Madison Zingers, would be deprived of my vast knowlege of both. My blogs, no doubt will be void of true intellect, but filled with life experiences that I hope most of us can identify with. My URL is entitled "womanhood is not for sissies". But is for sisters and I hope to find many of you out there. I am, without being boastful or pompous, Woman Extroadinaire. Quite fankly, we all are. I was just lucky the name wasn't taken. You will hear extensively about my kids, my husband, my swamped life, possibly my spoiled dogs and most certainly about every fear, doubt, triumph, failure, dream and letdown I experience. I hope you'll glimpse a bit of yourself in my life, I hope you'll relate to the tribulations of laundry and moody husbands with me, I hope you'll let yourself off the hook when you see how low I set the standards for my own housekeeping abilities, but most of all, I hope you laugh - at the best parts of everything life hands us.

PS: Hostess. Always go with Hostess.

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